Tuesday, October 9, 2018


I have a very small closet and usually storage is a big struggle, especially storing my bulky sweaters in Spring and Summer as they take so much room and they will not be getting worn for few months. So I discovered this brilliant way to store them, so they are not taking space in my closet and they stay clean and fresh.
I bought Vacuum storage bags from Dollar tree for $1, yes these bags are available at different retailers and for the large bags they start from $5 and up., So I bought one bag from dollar tree to see how the quality is and how it compares to the more expensive options and I was pleasantly surprised that it works just as well as the other more expensive ones.
These bags are very useful for travelling too, as it compresses the clothes and saves so much room in the suitcase.
Here is the bag from Dollar tree

I stored 8 sweaters in one bag under my bed for 5 months and the bag remained sealed  the sweaters came out fresh and wrinkled a bit but after hanging them back the wrinkles were gone and no need to iron or steam.

Picture of the bag with sweaters :

 Sweaters out of the bag and  it shows how bulky it can get to store these.

hope this post was helpful and everyone can take advantage of these bags, the possibilities are endless of utilizing the bags from storing baby clothes , extra towels, spare bedding to formal wear.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

                                     Help With Anxiety & Stress!
                                  Beautiful Anxiety help necklace

Globally, an estimated 350 million people of all ages suffer from depression and Anxiety.
Sadly Anxiety, Depression are common mental disorder and often times are always being regarded as something that's men made and not taken seriously.
Little Disclaimer : the jewelry piece is only for help to relieve stress and anxiety it is by no means for treatment so Please do not stop taking your medication, each person is different this may help you or may not.
This is Diy which costs fraction of what we can buy from Etsy or other websites.
Give it a try and be creative ♥ 

Supplies :
Lava beads - I bought mine from Michaels.They are available online too
Chain or string or Elastic for looping.
Essential Oil - found online or Whole foods.

Pictures of Supplies and beautiful necklace!
its self explanatory.

Make your own creations and I hope its beneficial!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Gulab Jamun Recipe

Ingredients :
15 oz Ricotta Cheese 
Milk Powder fill the Ricotta Cheese Container
bisquick fill the Ricotta Cheese Container

Syrup :
1 Cup Sugar
1 Cup water
Elchi (cardom powder) to taste
2 strands of Saffron
pinch of yellow color
Bring to boil everything for about 10 minutes and syrup is done.

Method :
Mix all 3 ingredients well, the mixture should be sticky , roll them into small balls , if the mixture is too sticky than rub some oil in your palms so it's easy to roll the gulab jamuns.
Fry on low/medium heat they should double in size and don't turn dark too soon that way you will know the temperature is correct. 
Drop the balls into prepared hot Syrup.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Wash your Dirty brushes!! Easy & Cheap way!

Every girl loves makeup & for flawless makeup you need right tools and keeping them clean is a must too, Dirty brushes are bad for your skin and the makeup and gunk on them prevents you from getting a good coverage, So let's wash them!

Rubber gloves - I use playtex one they have bristles that make it easy to reach hard places

Baby Shampoo - I use walmart brand, you can use any

Brush guard - this is optional but very helpful as helps dry them fast & keeps the shape & good for 
                       traveling and very cheap.

Look at the pictures and its self explanatory :

wet the gloves

add the shampoo

start washing your brush, keep rubbing it till you see no more makeup coming out.

Wash it with lots of water and run the water till water runs clear.

squeeze all the excess water out.

Brushes are clean, put the guards and let them dry
.Beauty is within yourself, makeup lets you Enhace it :)

Sunday, November 23, 2014



3/4 Stick Unsalted butter  ( 6 tbsp)
1 packet thin vermicelli (break into small pcs in the bag)
1 Can sweetened Condensed milk 
3 tbsp Unsweetened Coconut Powder + more for coating the balls 
5 tbsp Almond & Pistachios Crushed into small pcs
Cardamom powder to taste


Melt butter in a saucepan
add Vermicelli and mix it well 
Cook the Vermicelli for 5 Min's, stirring continuously 
add Cardamom powder, Coconut and nuts mix well and cook it for another 7 Min's or so till the vermicelli is light brown and you can get the scent.
turn off the stove and add Sweet milk and mix well.
let it cool for little while, when able to handle the mixture, roll them into balls and coat them generously into coconut powder.
Makes about 25 ladoos.
Scroll down for Pictures. Enjoy

Thanks for visiting.

Friday, November 14, 2014

                                FADE ACNE SCARS,AGE SPOTS, SUN SPOTS & DARK SPOTS
                                         USING ONE PRODUCT!

I have been Suffering with Adult acne for 10+ years, it really got bad after the birth of my third Child.  My hormones decided to go crazy and I have developed PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome).  Sounds pretty scary, right, well it's basically a fancy word for hormone imbalance where the biggest symptom is Stubborn Acne.   I have tried several different Cleansers, prescription medication, acne treatments and God knows what else to get rid of Acne but unfortunately either the products didn't work or it provided only temporarily fix.  The worst part was that I ended up getting several Acne scarring.   I even tried several different type of serums but no luck :-( 

After what seemed like everything failed I finally decided to simply invest in good concealers and work my magic to cover them.  This is my saga and little 411 on my Acne story!!

I'm pretty sure you are either sad by now or somewhat depressed after reading the above, however don't be as I do have some good news for people who can relate to the above.  I heard about this miracle Oil from a friend regarding how it does miracles.  Having tried everything else I figured well I don't have anything to loose so I decided to do little more research and to my surprise the reviews on the product were pretty impressive and the best part was it was fraction of the cost compared to what I have spent on many other products.  Also since the product had all natural ingredients I figure, well it can't get any worst.  So I decided to try it out and ended up buying it.  After some research I discovered that amazon was the cheapest place to buy it.   The delivery was super fast and I'm glad to say that I have been using this for over a month now.  So basically I use it at night after I cleanse my face and put the Oil on my face and go to sleep, in the morning my face looks brighter and hydrated and best of all I have seen significance difference in my scars, they appear much lighter.  I'm sure by now you are wondering what the heck is she talking about, ok so without any further delay, it's Rosehip Oil, it is very fast absorbing and does not have bad smell..

Give it a try , U won't regret it!!!! 
Click the link below, 
Hope it works for you too!! Not Sponsored, Purchased with my own money.
Get it from here:



Monday, November 10, 2014

                      MOM'S BEST RED CHUTNEY ( RED HOT SAUCE)

My Mother in law makes this Chutney at home and we all love it! 
it's the best mixture of flavors! It's Hot, Sweet & Sour….

1/2 lb Red Chillies ( I usually buy from oriental store for $.99) picture below
3/4 Cup Sugar
3/4 Cup white vinegar 
4 Cloves Garlic
Salt to taste

1. Blend Red Chillies, Sugar, Vinegar, Garlic and Salt in Electric Blender.
2. After well blended, transfer the mixture to a Saucepan and bring it to a boil.
3. let it boil till it reduces and the Chutney is thick in texture.
4. Let it cool & Enjoy.

… if you find it too spicy, add some lemon.
… you can substitute fresh red chillies with crushed red pepper 1 Cup.